
Get FREE stuff!

Would you like to earn FREE Stampin' Up! merchandise?

Well, duh!  Who wouldn't???

Here's how you can get your hands on FREE:

Become an Exclusive Member of the GENKI STAMPERS CLUB

"What's that?" you ask...

Well, The Genki Stampers Club is limited to only 6 members.  Each member commits to buying $25 of product every month for only 6 months.  Each member also becomes the Hostess of the Month, during one of the 6 months.  The Hostess of the Month earns $25 worth of FREE MERCHANDISE from Stampin' Up! during her month.

So if you like FREE STUFF, then The Genki Stampers Club is the place for you!

I'll be starting my next Genki Stampers Club in January, 2013.  

If you're interested in joining, email me 
or message me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thegenkistamper


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nice find, i may add this to the Gratisfaction website which is a free stuff site so they may appreiciate it.
